Development and TODOs¶
You want to help developing b2luigi
? Great! Have your github account ready and let’s go!
Local Development¶
You want to help developing b2luigi
? Great! Here are some first steps to help you dive in:
Make sure you uninstall
if you have installed if from pypipip3 uninstall b2luigi
Clone the repository from github
git clone
is not usingsetuptools
but the newer (and better) flit as a a builder. Install it viapip3 [ --user ] install flit
You can now install
from the cloned git repository in development mode:flit install -s
Now you can start hacking and your changes will be immediately available to you.
Install pre-commit, which automatically checks your code
pip3 [ --user ] install pre-commit pre-commit install # install the pre-commit hooks pre-commit # run pre-commit manually, checks all staged ("added") changes
In particular, the python files are checked with flake8 for syntax and PEP 8 style errors. I recommend using an IDE or editor which automatically highlights errors with flake8 or a similar python linter (e.g. pylint).
We use the unittest package for testing some parts of the code. All tests reside in the
sub-directory. To run all tests, run the commandpython3 -m unittest
in the root of
repository. If you add some functionality, try to add some tests for it.The documentation is hosted on readthedocs and build automatically on every commit to main. You can (and should) also build the documentation locally by installing
pip3 [ --user ] install sphinx sphinx-autobuild
And starting the automatic build process in the projects root folder
sphinx-autobuild docs build
The autobuild will rebuild the project whenever you change something. It displays a URL where to find the created docs now (most likely Please make sure the documentation looks fine before creating a pull request.
If you are a core developer and want to release a new version:
Make sure all changes are committed and merged on main
Use the bump2version package to update the version in the python file
as well as the git tag.flit
will automatically use this.bumpversion patch/minor/major
Push the new commit and the tags
git push git push --tags
Create a new release with a description on github
Check that the new release had been published to PyPi, which should happen automatically via github actions. Alternatively, you can also manually publish a release via
flit publish
Open TODOs¶
For a list of potential features, improvements and bugfixes see the github issues. Help is
welcome, so feel free to pick one, e.g. with the good first issue
or help wanted